Thursday, January 29, 2009

If Only If Only

The old mans been stealin she's holdin the greevin for hundred a years we all keep believin that history repeats
itself year after year.
i fears that the future is worse
we have to give in to a hundred year curse
sweatin the sun like we're diggin a grave
dig deep enogh and our fortune is saved

if only if only
the wood pecker sighs
the bark on the trees was as soft as
the sky
as the wolf waits below
hungry and lonely
he cries to the moo-oo-oon
if only if only

chasin the sky our beautiful wife you make mistakes and it's my back that breaks and forever my prosteals my life to
i'm beat but there's hope beneath these feet
blisters and blood and the sun makes you blind you don't let it eat ya it can't help but be kind cause you know what's
important with your back to the world you can break metal chains and your friends don't let you fall

if only if only
the woodpecker sighs
the bark on the trees was as soft as
the sky
as the wolf waits below
hungry and lonely
he cries to the moo-oo-oon
If only if only

i'm a sun but I found myself a plant
there's no use when i'm fighten my history fightin my history i have no place i'm a light feather there's no use when i'm
fighten my history fighten my history I have no place i'm more like a feather but i can't fly away when i'm fighten myself

if only if only
the woodpecker sighs
the bark on the trees was as soft as
the sky
as the wolf waits below
hungy and lonely
he cries to the moo-oo-oon
if only if only

Going through my mind right now.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Time After Time

Hellooooooooooooo people in internetland! I just vanted to update this thing since I'm bored and procrastinating once again.

First off, my new bff is Kaplan. He's awesome. I just have the best convos with him! ;)
Oh yes I am not eating Melly Fresh's chili for a while b/c it stops up the old intestines. Even though it is sumptuous! I think that sentence is grammatically incorrect, but who cares? I don't and I'm pretty sure you don't either since you don't actually read this. So I wish I wouldn't see that glint in yo eyes; it sends my head spinning. It's taking me foeva to read Tlight. FOREVER! I should probably not be reading it anyway. I have a bajillion other things to read! Do you ever read something and wish you got it, but you don't? B/c you know it's important, but you just can't grasp it? Maybe we're not supposed to get it yet, huh? Welp, I think I should go packity pack for Midtown Family Cow. I think I'll put some Manchester on, eat a bit of ice cream and stuff some things in my bag.
Until next time rodents!

Kelley Gee

Thursday, January 15, 2009

You know what? I kinda don't like it when short people look at my mouth when I'm speaking to them. It's weird.

Also I'm deformed b/c Melissa Fennel said I was.

Oh and I have really missed eating Quaker granola cereal with Silk. Soooooooooo good at 2:30 in the morning.

Hmmmmm I vonder vat I'll learn in Psych tomorrow/today. I might fall asleep. Probably. I also vonder vat God vants me to see tomorrow/today. We'll See. (hahahaha)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


i would just like to say a few words.

i have the best friends any girl could ask for.  pretty much.

Yo yo yo

I'm blogging now.

Because I have realized the error of my ways.

Bow to me, you miniscule rodents!!!